Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Family Sits Down to Watch AI in the Playoffs

Sitting down to watch the game, I thought, if Mr. Simmons can do it so can I. So I gave it a shot.

8:02 Here we go and Bill Walton is on board!
Mom, “Those uniforms are pretty.”

8:13 It’s ridiculous how many shots Camby has already taken. Always a bad sign. His shot is more ridiculous than Aaron McKie’s. He does it because he thinks it looks sweet, I swear.

8:15 Nene with the baseline spin and the beautiful lay-in. Hakeem Jr. As Magic said before game 1, he is the key to this series because the Spurs have no answer for him. Foul trouble will be his kryptonite.

8:19 Walton, “AND A 3-SECOND VIOLATION!!” Oh yeah, he is warming up.

8:20 “It is amazing to me how many people don’t realize the connection between nutritious eating and health.” Really Bill?

8:25 Just saw a commercial for the 11:00 news featuring a story about the underground Philadelphia porn industry. “Rich and compelling.”

8:28 George Karl got a T for being out of the coach’s box. When was the last time they called that one? I feel a slight favoritism for the Spurs. We shall see…

8:29 JR with the alley-oop!! Good to see him getting some burn here after very little in the first 2 games.

8:31 Mark Jones (Who!?) just said something about a “Melo man march” during the highlights before the commercials. He may challenge Bill for awesome comments tonight.

8:35 Allen just told Jacque Vaughn to get the hell off him without saying a word. Maybe Allen will step over Jacque after hitting one from the corner a la Tyrone Lue, game 1 ’01 Finals. Definitely one of the top 5 days of my life.

8:37 The Spurs just had a huddle at the free throw line a la the Dukies. Makes me sick. Hakeem Jr. spins baseline pump fake to get Oberto in the air, draws the foul, to the line for two. Lets go!

8:42 Slowski’s!! Mom, “I love these commercials! They should make a show out of them.” I agree mother.

8:45 AI finally gets to the line. And-1. Lets go!

8:48 Dad, “Well they have missed 11/12 and are still up one.” Agreed. Nuggets have fallen into one of their 5-10 minute funks where they take bad shots, miss lay-ups and stop driving to the basket. Where are you George Karl? Do you just coach before and after the games?

8:51 Tim Duncan with a block on JR. “That’s a goal-line stand on draft day!” Sorry Mark Jones (Who?! Who?! No really, who?), not buying that one.

8:58 Nuggets have 11 points in the quarter with 2+ minutes to go. They are narcoleptic the way their offense just shuts down. San Antonio plays the best D in the league, but come on fellas!

At least there are already commercials for Madden ’08. After the Sox won the World Series there is no stronger curse than the Madden curse. It will be interesting to see if Vince Young’s magic can overcome it. I am going with Madden on this one.

Halftime Analysis

It makes no sense that the Nuggets are only down 3 points. They were completely out played the entire second quarter. From giving up offensive boards to the Spurs, to taking bad shots and being stagnant on offense, they look unfocused and lazy. Melo is 3/7 from the line and missed his last 3 FTs looking like a head case. Iverson can’t get to the line and they have gone away from Nene (again!) after another strong first quarter. If the Spurs shot a little better this game wouldn’t be close.

All that said, it is a 3-point game.

Chubby Hubby is a great halftime treat. Pretzels and peanut butter in ice cream!? They would never come up with this stuff if they weren’t in Vermont.

Nice little commentary as we begin the half about Iverson’s kids making friends at their new school. Great to hear it. AI to the line for 2. Next possession, a pull up jumper in the lane, count it. LETS GO!

9:28 Another jumper from Ivey. 6 straight points! Those baby blue Question 1’s are on my birthday wish list. Kiddin’ me!? My brother got a youth large Iverson Nugget jersey because you can’t find the real ones anywhere.

9:34 Back-to-back emphatic blocks by Elson on Iverson and then Camby on Parker! Things are picking up here.

“THIS IS OURRR COUNTRYYY” F!#% you John Cougar, F!#% youuuu!!

9:38 Announcers mention that Iverson said he ran a 4:20 mile (Sure it wasn’t a 4:19 or a 4:21? Coincidence? I think not) when he was in Philadelphia and has 5% body fat. Mom didn’t like that they called him a freak either. I had to explain it was a complement. She loves Allen.

9:41 Nene with the up and under. Hakeem Jr. Get him the damn ball! And where is Bill with his thunderous “Throw it doooown big man”? He has been pretty mellow tonight.

9:50 In response to JR’s erratic drive to the basket that ended up in a turnover:
“These guys are out of control. Honestly, they have no focus. Set up a play or something. I could tell them what to do better, really! All these hyper-active ADHD guys.” Get ‘em Ma!

9:54 “I like the Nuggets. They have a lot of glamor clothes. Those yellow shawls (towels) and the baby blue. Very fashionable.” She stays killin’.

10:03 It’s all falling apart here. Where did the offense go? Why haven’t they gone to Nene down low? Where is the help inside on D from the defensive player of the year? Even the isolations for Melo have disappeared. They look lost, I don’t understand.

Little fact here from Mark Jones (Who!?) just mentioned. Najera is the third highest endorsed athlete—and only Hispanic player in the league—on the Nuggets. What about Arroyo? I wonder what Najera’s endorsement ranking is the entire league.

10:14 Blake hits a deep 2! “Oh my! Where did they get this pale child?”
“Steve Blake, he has been playing the whole game.”
“Really? He looks like he is from Hare Krishna.” I had to look up that reference. Good stuff mom!

10:15 Tony Parker has taken over. He might have surpassed Iverson as quickest in the league. And then there is Eva. And again, why not.

Melo just hit a 3-pointer. 5-point game with 2 minutes left. I have no idea how. I think the scorekeeper is cheating.

10:24 Parker drives the lane, again! Camby and Nene don’t slide over to help and just swat at his shot. Lazy and selfish.

10:28 Big Shot Bob hits a fade-away from the corner, again. Game over. Walton remarks that Horry has never missed the playoffs in his entire career. Impressive.

10:30 Timmy D just skipped down the court after a turnover. The most emotion he has shown since laughing at Joey Crawford a few weeks ago.

10:32 “Here is this guy again. I feel sorry for him. He has no features. No contrast. Looks like a white little alien.”

“They say pressure makes diamonds and pressure breaks pipes. The San Antonio Spurs were 14K gold…” I have no idea what that means. Mark Who?! Mark Who!? Mark Jooooones! I didn’t even know this guy’s name before tonight. Who?! Ok I am done with that.

Recap- The Spurs defense knocked the wheels off the Nuggets’ offense for the second game in a row. Where were George Karl’s adjustments during the game to get his team’s offense working again? And where is the help D. Marcus Camby is a strong defensive player, but just because you lead the league in blocks doesn’t mean you win the award. Bruce Bowen was robbed once again and the tonight’s results are the proof in the pudding (did I use that saying correctly?). Next game is a must win for the Nuggets, but all signs are pointing to a loss. The Spurs have enforced their style of play and the Nuggets are not able to run and gun the way they like to. The Nuggets are clearly the more talented team, but can they get their flow back, help on D, hit lay-ups and get to the line?

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